411 On Spirit Guides

Teri Uktena
10 min readApr 2, 2023

Everyone has spiritual guides.

Everyone. It takes a team to keep us in an embodied life as this is not our natural state. We are, by design, 90% cut off from the communication forms and overall knowledge of whom we truly are and have forgotten what we meant to do during this lifetime. Knowing this will be the case, as part of the planning we do prior to coming into this life we contract with other beings to be our guides. Each of us has 3–7 guides, on average, who work to support us in various aspects of our existence here. There are two minimum requirements which all guides must meet. One is they be able to communicate with us while we are embodied. This is not something everyone can do. In actuality it is a rare skill and a specialty mastered through education and a great deal of practice. The other is they must either have experienced embodiment themselves or show extensive empathy for the embodied state. This enables them to make informed decisions about complicated situations and to respond quickly with the most efficacious resolution. While not all learning needs to be practical or hands on (hence Universities still exist) it is helpful to have practical knowledge to go along with the theory. :)

Each guide working with an embodied soul will have a role or responsibility. One will monitor the charge’s physical health and wellbeing. Another will watch the journey their person…



Teri Uktena
Teri Uktena

Written by Teri Uktena

Teri Uktena works to help people change their lives, to help them achieve their dreams, find divine purpose, and achieve happiness through Akashic Readings

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