Being Committed

Teri Uktena
9 min readMay 27, 2022

It’s About To Get Real

People get confused about how to get from the resolution, the promise, the intention setting phase of things and into the actual doing or actualization phase. There seems to be a chasm between the two and no engineering plans for building a bridge. The end result looks perfect and shiny and makes us feel good. We’re clear on what it is we’re intending to achieve and we’re probably amazingly, in aching detail, aware of where we are and who we are at this moment, which begins to feel like the big START spot on a game board with a trail of squares marching in front of us to the horizon. The issue is not so much about what steps to take or what is required. Those are usually easy to figure out now we can Google and pretty much anything and everything is there. But where to look, what to do with the information, what to do first seems like a game we’re starting which not only has no rule book but all the words are written in a foreign language.

Add to this the fact many people will choose to take on goals they have failed at before. And instead of seeing those failures as well earned experience which has honed them and helped them so they’re prepared to succeed this time, the experiences are carried around as baggage holding them back and brought out to be examined each time something doesn’t go exactly as planned.



Teri Uktena

Teri Uktena works to help people change their lives, to help them achieve their dreams, find divine purpose, and achieve happiness through Akashic Readings