Diving Deep Into Soul Books

Teri Uktena
9 min readDec 2, 2022

There are times when my students tell me “Ok, I’ve gone through all the lessons in the class. Now what?” To which I shake my head. At other times they are completely baffled by the experience they are having because the soul book is behaving in a seemingly capricious manner rather than like computer or a DVD player. So this week I thought I would try and clear some of these things up. Let’s start with what a soul book is not. These include being like a regular book or document. Soul books resemble this because form follows function but this is the extent of the similarity. They are not a computer taking commands and spitting out actions. They are also not an oracle foretelling the future or an authority guiding the individual. Nor are they some type of device or reference material which must respond to commands regardless of the consequences.

So what are they? Each individual’s soul book is an aspect of their soul. It’s a part of them and not in a wishful sort of way. It’s not only a video team recording their interactions during their embodied life, it’s also the communication portal used by their teacher and team of guides for monitoring purposes at any given moment. It’s the means by which the life plan the individual built is recorded, the tool they will use to do their life review after the embodiment is complete, and a means to track their progress in all aspects of the embodied life.



Teri Uktena

Teri Uktena works to help people change their lives, to help them achieve their dreams, find divine purpose, and achieve happiness through Akashic Readings