Member-only story
Experiencing Your Akashic Record
Everything Is Recorded But Nothing Is Written Down
There are a great many oxymorons in modern culture. In the various standardized languages we now speak we have terms for things which are full of irony and sarcasm such as military intelligence, political action committee, and unbiased journalism etc. But there are some things we are too embedded in, we take too much for granted, to see them in the oxymoron category. Such as oral history. There are very few cultures left which are actually oral, having no written element and rely on story tellers, elders and memory keepers to tell them who they are, where they have come from and where they are headed. Those which do exist are very small, relatively cut off from the rest of the world, and always in danger of being consumed and subsumed into the literate culture, the culture of the written word.
For most of us, what we have left of our oral culture roots are the written remains, like a fall leaf which looks like lace because only the veins remain of what was vibrant and a part of the whole. We revere our ancient history and try to hold it close while at the same time imprisoning it in books and movies and TV. History is a dead thing we look at through glass and peer at like a bug in amber. This is something I was reminded of again while studying Kabbalah. The oral as well as literary traditions are very much a…