Taking the Emotional Plunge

Teri Uktena
9 min readApr 19, 2022

You can either ride the wave or dive into it.

We are emotional creatures. This is not a negative. As souls not living embodied lives, which is how we spend the majority of our time, we communicate via telepathy and empathy. We think and feel at and with each other. Not having a container and yet being discrete entities we merge with each other becoming fully intertwined and interconnected. We feel and think as one and yet remain ourselves and part again. This sounds poetic, but is our normal, mundane existence. It is also something we must learn to deal with at the very beginning of our existence, because everyone around us can feel what we feel and hear what we’re thinking. We must learn not to rampage, have tantrums, flail or go into raptures and revel in ecstasy. Like ancient Japan where houses were built of wood and rice paper, our existence is boundaried by the fact our every action affects everyone around us directly and immediately. The greatest gift we can give to those we love, and we love everyone, is to restrain and refrain, to learn self-control, to be gentle and cautious, to feel but not to wallow, to live in balance and join in the harmony all around us.

This is a simplified picture of a much more complex reality, but it suffices for the purpose of this podcast. We don’t not feel things; we learn to modify how we feel them and how we express those feelings…



Teri Uktena

Teri Uktena works to help people change their lives, to help them achieve their dreams, find divine purpose, and achieve happiness through Akashic Readings